Making ball physics in platformer

so yeah Im hoping to create a pseudo ball in platformer
so I can create IDs for each ball in hopes of creating a unique puzzle (no not waypoint IDs those are pretty much useless cuz I cant track the ball’s location in a graph
so far I’ve doing the research on the formulas rn
and trying to figure out how to make them interact with pseudo tag as like some sorta hitbox
if you have any ideas on how to help implement the formula’s into gk blocks
or how to make it interact with a hitbox that would be gladly appreciated

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Did you check the Pseudo Hitboxes and Player ID guides?

  1. Lemme see what I can do if not ↩︎

so first would be tracking the players speed and direction (aka velocity)
so we can determine the amount of energy put into the ball
(posting here for notes)

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I made the pseudo tag guide
so ik the hitbox part
player Id Im pretty sure I don’t need
this is more like a pseudo ball Id
of which I am creating the pseudo ball first

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So you don’t want to use the ball device, or you do?
I’m confused…

this is for platformer
the ball I cant track it’s coordinates regardless of mode
so I’m using a pseudo ball

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Now I’m starting to understand…
Okay, I get it, lemme see what I can come up with.

  1. Currently loading into my Platformer Help Map… ↩︎

Are you using a prop or a circle barrier for the pseudo ball?
(I’m just gonna use a barrier)

I’m not planning on using animation/visuals until I can tp props to coordinates or something like that
I’m using a graphing method to make it

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Whoa, hold up…
I’m starting to think this is WAY beyond my capabilities.
You using a what method to make it!?

I’m good at blocks, but not THIS good…

  1. I cannot begin to ponder what I’m getting into
    :thinking: ↩︎

basically I use physics formulas then I implement in game
using a graph(or merging the ball properties into player coordinates) to track and move the ball

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but how would you bring physics into play with a Pseudo ball

That’s what im trying to figure out sorta

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well your gonna have to have Pseudo hidden balls under that ball to simulate falling

One word:
Look, I’ve thought about this a lot, and…
there’s no actual way this is possible. You can’t simulate the ball physics without the ball, and you can’t track the ball without mods, so like…
yeah there’s your answer.

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Nuh uh
(I swear im not gonna pull an “everything is possible”)
I haz feeling it is and there for will try until i lose motivation :3
And i dont see why we cant track a pseudo ball (thinking about initial x and y value plus distance formula and possibly radius)
As for the movement that seems easy it’s just gonna be very basic left right up down kinda movement the bounce im working on :3

Besides im forced to do without mods anyways i only know a couple tricks with javascript lol

Yeah but the formula would be intense. Remember, if you try to use Gimkit’s own formula, it would be complicated because they use a ton of different variables.
And I’m not sure how you want the player to see the ball, then actually tell when they fire at the ball. Let’s be fair, the pseudo hitbox topic isn’t very far into anything.


yeh ik
but that talk was mainly into gadgets
and pseudo health this is with other pseudo thingies interacting with another
and yeah i dont plan on them seeing the ball anytime soon unless an update comes where you can teleport props to x and y coordinates

Then what exactly is the point of this?

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oh wait im not replicating the ball device inch for inch
im making it like more pushable than blastable using the player’s tag range to interact with the the other pseudo tag zone basically depending on distance and speed the ball will be pushed and the value will change for the location of the ball