Making a Place Darker!

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Do you mind adding pictures?
Also I dont know if this is needed but good thought!

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this has existed for months.
not only is this short and not useful for people, it’s already been made.


Oh, okay! I guess I should remove this or something?

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That is a bit mean, I’m talking about the not useful part. Great guide, @Princess2216!

How is Defenasive Cops Vs Robbers going?

i would say so
it’s essentially a duplicate of another guide, so it just causes clutter

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@Princess2216 you should switch this to devices and mark a solution


Great guide, @Princess2216! U should also add that u should turn off collision and move it to the above layer for better effect.

@Foxy, plz check the Padlet.

Sorry for the late reply, @Dark_Hydra and everyone else. Um, Defensive Cops vs Robbers are going good! Thanks for asking! Also, I will take all of the advice here. I’m still new to making Community Made Guides.

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No problem, @Princess2216! All of us started at your level too, so we understand.

Have a nice weekend! Also, congrats on reaching Member status!

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No problem! Thanks, I think I turned a member around Jan 9? Have a nice weekend to you too!

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Recently I was thinking of making a game that would need dark areas. Originally I was going to do something way more complex but this seems so much easier!!


Great guide, I had to find this out myself, and also, a visible zone device shaded black can also work, if that helps.


Yes, put the barrier over the area you want to make darker after you finished what you want to be inside without the barrier interfering with the other objects like terrain, devices and props including wires.

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you said you would take all the advice here
so when are you gonna delete this guide


How could you get member 10 days before your account was created?


Good point, @StacheIsTaken. That doesn’t make sense.

Also, cool pfp!

Hello, I have a favor to ask, do you have a good way to send a priv message?

Oh, oops. I just checked and realized I got the member on Feb 19.

I have an idea. Maybe, you can use camera views, and it makes them only see the dark room. Sorry if someone already said that.

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