Making a Guide Easier to Read

Or it’s similar or the same format, you should credit it.

Uh… no. You should only credit stuff that you actually used to make your own guide. Just because two guides are similar does not mean they should credit each other.


Yeah, what I mean by same format was like for example nature-of, since they use the same format, we credit the original.

and even after someone replies, people still keep hitting the checklist button, destroying my notifications.

hey your not the only one

yeah i asked that person that i got pinned in or mention if he could make it his own or change it to where it doesn’t look like a copy of my guide instead just tell them that because COPYRIGHT STILL EXIST IN THIS WORLD.

@StacheIsTaken don’t use the reusable bump if a user has commented under it. All it does is give @eiqcrmeliutgwhc a notification.

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I can barely read what that’s supposed to say. Also, that’s not how copyright works. raw


copyright is where a person take your own idea and put it into their own without any credit or take ur idea and just copy everything and making it look like they did all the hard work when the just only copy and paste it. edit: “copyright is where a person take your own idea and put it into their own without any credit” actually no hold on that wrong copyright is when a person take all the work and credit that u made and was the owner of the work and try to say that they owned it and did not copy anyone.

Yeah thats sort of the jist, just simplified.

Copyright is a legal right to have ownership of your intellectual property. It often applies to characters from movies, songs, and art. However, here, copyright doesn’t really take effect since a person neither gains money nor anything else from copying a guide, so therefore it is up to the people managing the forum to decide how to deal with it.

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i put that into my own words also that not really correct u see what i mean by copyright is that a person took your enitre guide like everything you made was putted into their guide and did not credit anyone sure he did make a guide and didn’t put credit *also means that they tooken what u put and idk made it into their own with a few changes put still looks like the original guide that they tooken the idea from or made the guide like without crediting.

a person guide looked like a lot of my guide like they copyed it and has a little differences but still looked and was similar to the guide i made i asked that person to change that guide and make it look like his own

edit: nvm i just realized u searched the web
but still the person that copyed it with or without credit the original owner still has the right to file a complant or ask for it to delete

guys, stop arguing, please. we don’t need a flame war.

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agreed but flame war a whole different word even by itself i think it should actually be “we don’t need anyone getting flagged and then turned into a flame war if this continued”

flame wars are basically an argument but the players inside the argument uses…very bad words.

not quite or close flames war is where this arguement continued but the person or both got more or trys to get more people on their side like calling the other person out and stuff and calling other people to flag them or get them banned and calling each other things and stuff there was a guide about it but i forgot the guide name.

Eh, you got one part right, and i got the other one also.

I strongly dislike making guides so much, because I’m trying to explain the most ground-breaking, mind-bending GKC techniques to get the best animation possible but it takes SO MUCH EFFORT to remember every little fact and write all of them for an hour a day. I’m also decently smart, so when I write it’s most likely difficult to understand from an outside P.O.V. if you’ve never learned the topic beforehand.



This is a very cool topic.

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