Log game planner

ooooo That’s good, you could do that and have to do something about the fire too! other wise it’ll go out from the water!

it is a long one because im going to make a save thingy

Have a property for pseudo health, and it if runs out you die. You lose it in a thunderstorm.


Maybe later on in the game they’ll have to build a house or something?

no but how to make the fire? and how to make a circle around the fire

There could be snow that would make it hard to see using barriers that would clear when your fire got brighter.

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Use fire emojis and a barrier for a circle


but how to make the fire get smaller?

Make smaller text emojis that appear at a certain stage. Or disappear.

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but how to? huuh? what??

Make sure to mark a solution if you find an answer.

And maybe add an alarm if the fire drops low enough.

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You just change the size of the text and you could change it over time with a repeater.

Use blocks in the code where you decrease the fire to check if it is in a certain range and broadcast channels.

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so but make the emoji smaller?
Screenshot 2023-10-23 1.03.11 PM

Yes, do that by layering text boxes

how to make it get smaller OVER TIME

Well, it might need to get bigger. There is no perfect way besides to do it in stages depending on how much life your fire has, and broadcast channels for each stage that will activate and deactivate larger/smaller text.

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i have an idea so after 5.5 seconds a wire repeter and when u get a log the big text will appear again

You should use a property for the life of the fire, and slowly decrease it with a trigger that triggers itself with a smal delay, and if they get a log increase it. This would be nice since it would be easy to insert blocks.