List Of All Props!

3d Printer
3d Printer (infected)
Alien Plant
Alien Plant #2
Alien Plant #3
Arcade Machine (off)
Arcade Machine (on)
Armor Display
Armor Display (empty)
Barrel #2
Barrel #3 (empty)
Barrel #4 (empty)
Barrel (water)
Barrel (water)
Barrier (horizontal)
Barrier (vertical)
Basket Of Apples
Basketball Hoop
Bicycle Rack
Black Briefcase
Blackboard (tall)
Blackboard (wide)
Blackboard Leg
Blue Chemical
Blue Chemical (infected)
Blue Corner Sofa (back)
Blue Corner Sofa (front)
Bookshelf (no books)
Bookshelf (infected)
Bookshelf (infected #2)
Broken Glass
Broken Glass #2
Broken Glass #3
Broken Glass #4
Broken Glass #5
Bucket (with fish in it)
Bucket (water)
Bucket (different color with water)
Candle (longer candle)
Cardboard Box
Cash Stack
Ceramic Plate
Ceramic Plate (broccoli)
Ceramic Plate (infested)
Ceramic Plate (brown infested)
Ceramic Plate (infested pile)
Ceramic Plate (infested pile)
Ceramic Plate (infested pile)
Cheese Plate
Chemical Tube
Chemical Tube (infected)
Circular Shield
Circular Shield (blue and white)
Circular Shield (red and white)
Circular Shield (blue and red)
Circular Shield (Just Brown)
Circular Shield (blue and red with no silver)
Circular Shield (black and yellow)
Circus Tent (blue)
Circus Tent (red)
Codex (purple)
Codex (green)
Codex (red)
Codex (blue with gim)
Codex (open and green)
Codex (open and red)
Codex Stack
Command Table
Command Table (On)
Command Table (infected)
Command Table #2 (infected)
Command Table #3 (infected)
Coral (green)
Coral (pinkish purple)
Coral (purple and pink)
Coral (yellow and maroon)
Coral (Bright Blue)
Coral (yellow and pink)
Coral (Blue and Purple)
Coral (Blue Stick)
Coral (Yellow Stick)
Coral (Red Thick One)
Coral ( Yellow Thick One)
Coral (Blue Weird One)
Corn Stalk #1
Corn Stalk #2 (empty)
Corn Stalk #3 (empty)
Cutting Board
Dark Gray Stone Barrier
Dark Gray Stone Barrier (thin straight one)
Dark Gray Stone Barrier (Thick and straight)
Dark Gray Stone Barrier (thin sideways)
Dark Wooden Pole
Dark Wooden Pole (no difference i think)
Dark Wooden Pole (thick)
Dark Wooden Sign
Dark Wooden Sign (Tall)
Dark Wooden Sign (Arrow)
Dark Wooden Sign (arrow)
Dark Wooden Sign (tiny rectangle)
Dark Wooden Sign (tall)
Dark Wooden Sign (Small)
Dark Wooden Sign (Arrow)
Dark Wooden Sign (arrow)
Dark Wooden Sign (thin)
There Are 11 Dirt Props
Dry Bush
Dry Buck (small)
Dry Bush (wide)
Escape Hatch
This is it for now


You might want to add images, beacuse thisis just ab list and will mostlikely get flagged, That or help @WhereIsMyHat on his guide, not make a new one. But welcome to the community @Ghost!


Okay Thanks Wolf!
Also im TCOOLBOIK from the wixsite

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Um…this is not really a guide if there’s no images…and doesn’t tl0 only have 30 minutes editing limit?

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No problem, and nice to see you on the forum.

I think its like 1 hour, not certain.

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We already have one:

Welcome to the forums, @Ghost !

Make sure to check out the new-user-must-read and forum-tips tag!

The Community Made Guides category is also very useful! The posts there give you a gist of the rules and mechanics in Gimkit Creative!

I suggest also reading the TOS and FAQ!

and don’t forget to give credit to those other guides about props!

Welcome to the commuinty @Ghost!

that hasnt been updated in ages @getrithekd mysz was suspended b4 the 100 new props came out and the guide has sunk since then

People can just update the wiki from @WolfTechnology’s medieval props guide and put it into the medieval section

true tho most users dont have the patience for it anyways might as well update it and bump it

I’ll do it soon.

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actually i just searched up for mysz username sadly mysz is no longer with us because his acc is gone :face_exhaling: :saluting_face: getting back on topic now.

Thanks i hope i have fun!

Why would you make this though.

I was making Wiki with a list and picture of every terrain and prop in gimkit creative, and asked the wix for help, and they misunderstood what I meant. Speaking of which, I almost finished every terrain and their picture.