Lifesteal Thumbnail request

5 now

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I like the new profile pic but imagine if moai copies you :skull:


dang this impersonation problem is spiraling out of control how are they getting so many email accounts and how are there so many of them :skull: these people are the reason I have trust issues.

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Ok from here on out just post on-topic things and whoever is making fake accounts PLEASE don’t cause chaos here

Sorry that the topic got all cluttered that was partially my fault

It is okay, I feel partially better now.

moyai alt? why? (yes i resawned)
and @Cellofive alt?
Edit: impersonators.

Is it a kind of fashion of making alts & impersonating?

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its prob one person doing it bc mods are offline

Ok lets actually get back on topic

hey sorry to bother u @AnxietyAttack but is the thumbnail almost done its ok if its not though

can I have screenshots of the game ;-;

oh whoops lol on it

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It would be fine for only one or more of these parts to be in the thumbnail with 2 gims fighting using a blaster and snowball launcher

preferably the top or middle one

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oki I will do it when I am done

I am almost done @BCannops !!

what gim do u want in thumbnail?

actually nvrm I cant do this,
I’m too busy I’m rly sry


bye everyone! I loved the forums but unfortunately I dont have enough time or space 4 it so goodbye! T-T

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the penguin gim (I forgot the name sorry)