Layering Bug (Its been here for a while but now im annoyed)

This is so annoying to me- and I wish it was fixed, but the bug is that if you have a lot of items in a small space, for example working on art, layering gets bugged for me and it puts it in a different order then it should.

When you try and move a lot of items, it also messes it up.

This is when I moved my art and it messed it up,


  1. The text is used to make the lines on the window ↩︎

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omg yes because this annoying bug has messed up my games countless times


Sometimes for me it’ll move items up when I click to go down. What I do to fix it is move the items around it up, so that it is still moving down

I have 27 items in there to make my art :sob:

Layering is just bugged in general. It might help if you turn your zoom all the way up to 0.5

It helps reduce the lag a lot if you are moving an item around a bunch of others

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also u can try taking a piece of the art away, then u can layer that, and put it back

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i feel you bro i have raged over this bug before

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