Lava that hurts a gim physically and mentally(Difficulty 1/10 or đŸŸ©)

Nice guide! Love the title! :heart:!


bump! maybe a new gim could use this

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I love this guide in particular

maybe because it’s your guide? :smirk:

1.Yes, that’s true
2.The title lol

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I think not.

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Wait a minute! @getrithekd and @That_guy , you guys were right. If you think about it, say if the laser doesn’t instakill you. You only take some damage. If two people stood there, and one left, the laser would deactivate, and it won’t activate as long as the person still on the lava doesn’t move.

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This lava is what gave Obi-wan, THE HIGH GROUND! Oh, and mathematical bump bro!



ngl in my opinion this guide has one of the best titles ever

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How does it hurt the gim mentally? I need to know.

Emotional damage! Good guide btw


honestly this is pretty good but you dont need the zone or the lasers. you can just make the lasers black and place them around the area and make them do lots of damage

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Not around, but on the edges of the lava.

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My gim bumped into this lava and was hurt physically and mentally.

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huh noice guide

the title :rofl:

welp since when was gimsolver banmed

I thought it was just where is my crown

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Welp, I ran out of likes, so I air-liked your post.


bump this
uh wait let me re read the title :expressionless:
cut transmission

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This title made me bump into lava
hurting me physically and mentally. :frowning:

OUCH!!! Will someone save me?


Oh no! Take a med kit! I hope you’re ok!
image-removebg-preview (24)


I apreciate it @Jobozo1875! I’m back to full health! :grinning:

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