I’m starting to feel bad about asking for help so often, but yall are a great community and I’m glad yall are here to help.
Basically, I just needed ideas on how to make this laser seem like it’s positioned more naturally.
The barrier has no collision, and would just be a wire to its allied base.
Additional questions (ok I'm good with these now, just need help on the above stuff)
Speaking of which, the button that currently triggers this laser is an evil plant, so
Should I still have the wire?
should I make it so the wire appears connected to the plant?
So basically the barriers are meant to look like a wire, the stone barriers are just the construction on which everything is placed, and the laser is meant to be mounted on those stone barriers, but it doesn’t seem placed naturally, and I wanted help getting ideas to fix that
(the floor isn’t done yet, it’s supposed to all look like the floor on the left.)
idk how to reply to multiple people so I did this instead
ok, to make the barriers actually look like a wire, your gonna want to take a look at the wires in gkc(press z to connect 2 objects together to take a look)
If additional help is needed, ping me if so