Knockout ball is it possible?

is this possible? a while back I tried but couldn’t but that was before block code I think

maybe you could find out how to do something with the ball device? Although, i’m not sure how you can make it knock you out on impact…

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I don’t think this is possible as the only way a player can interact with a ball is with a gadget.

yeah, but it could still work, maybe the game could have a referee? someone that watches whether or not anyone got hit? Its a bit lazy, but it could work :woman_shrugging:


tried that already it doesn’t really work

the ball thing, or the referee thing?

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The ball device does not have blocks, we could try using property’s maybe.

the referee thing didn’t work


what exactly went wrong? just so I know what i’m working with :slight_smile:

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you cant really knockout a specific player you need to have everyone on a different team and since there can only be seven teams you can only have 6 players on the game the knockout device is also kinda buggy

wait, is this game like dodgeball? bc thats what I was thinking.


no I’m trying to recreate blade ball but with fragility on a platform

huh, gimme a sec to find out what blade ball is


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You’d need to figure out a way to have the ball track onto a player to fully re-create Blade ball.

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its a Roblox game that kinda fell off

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I already did that the knockout is what is making me struggle

Hm. What exactly do you have set up so far?


everything but the ball knockout system

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sooooo, from what I discovered, the ball is a separate ‘entity’ that moves really fast and tries to hit other ppl.

uuuuhhhhh… Epic think moment…

maybe you could wire the ball to a knockout manager? idk if that works

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Even if the knockout system works, how will the ball follow the player?

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