Knockback chaos thumbnail

i need a thumbnail for my platformer battle royale game that has random skills
include a gim pewing lasers not the evil eye like actaul laser devices at gims
and have a teleporting person and a builder building


I will make the thumbnail. do you have a deadline?

not neccesarilly give about 2-3 weeks

would make it myself but im not good at times

if you can add a person standing on a catwalk snipering a player with a quantum portal

okay, I will add that

are there any specific gims that you might want?

um no just facial expressions

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i almost forgot to ask, what background do you want?

blue cyan sky with clouds but put smoke in the back

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I finished the thumbnail. is there anything that you want me to change?


can you make the white one have like flash lines as if they where really teleporting

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also what did yu use for this

I use kleki

what do you mean “flash lines”

kinda like that

like this? (sorry if this is still incorrect)

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do you know dragon ball and the effect thye have when they move fast while flying

if anything its nice im being truly honest the flash lines arent neccasary


so if anything take somemore time i will tell you when im ready to pub

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