Jurassic park thumbnail

OK good bye see you in 3 years evreybody :slightly_frowning_face: :disappointed_relieved:

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will I go to jail :disappointed_relieved: :slightly_frowning_face: will they see me in real life

Im scared please explain :fearful: :fearful: :slightly_frowning_face:

Nope, you’re going to be okay. I don’t think they’ll put a child in jail for something as minor as this. Just
 stop posting for a bit, alright?



 wut is going on. I finished the thumbnail


Anything u want me to fix

nothing everything is good

Ok thanks.

@0w0_Cat did you steal my idea of sid riding the dinosaur?

Wait wut. U did that too!?
I swear I got no idea I had this in my mind to begin with.
So sorry didn’t mean to do that.

Okay its all good just wondering because that was my pro idea

Still sorry about that

It’s all good it doesn’t matter don’t feel bad

stay on topic guys

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Yes, please do. This has gone way off topic.

Hey @twofoursixeight,
I don’t know if you saw this but basically the user @Shortytheclown admitted to being underage and was suspended. They left behind this topic and another thumbnail request. I think you might want to close both of them because, well, they’re probably going to move onto other things before 2028. Thanks!