Jurassic park thumbnail

Hi I am going to make a Jurassic park tycoon can anyone help with the thumbnail


That…didn’t help provide details at all…

use this format:

  1. Title
  2. Game Summary
  3. Background
  4. Additional Props
  5. Gims
  6. Gim Actions
  7. Author

you’re gonna need to specify, what gims do you want in the thumbnail…?
what background do you want…?


use this!!!

i need details
  1. Title
  2. Game Summary
  3. Background
  4. Additional Props
  5. Gims
  6. Gim Actions
  7. Author

Metalsonic just said that lol, but yeah you need to provide more details!


Yeah, not a requirement but if you could add any details, even what the game is about, it would be greatly appreciated :smile:


So you arrive at this island an build a Jurassic park tycoon. you buy dinosoars

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I want chompz and carver some where can you show a island with chompz on it

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did I give anough info

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I am asking for another thumbnail check it out Evil clowns from outerspace

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can you answer all of the questions right here:

  1. Title
  2. Game Summary
  3. Background
  4. Additional Props
  5. Gims
  6. Gim Actions
  7. Author

yes for real I also said the same thing on your other thumbnail request so sorry for being annoying


title:Jurassic park tycoon
Game summary: you arrive on a island and try to build Jurassic park. you buy dinosaurs and create dinosaurs.
Background: beach with dinosaurs on it
Addition props Jurassic park gate,boat.
Gims: Carver chompz, seed sid , Rocky West, day one
Gim action Rock West holding flare, Joe with day one.
Athour: shorty the clown

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is this anough infomation

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yes that is very good


just ask if you need more info

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so anyone want make thumbnail

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Umm if you liked my clown one I could do it I guess? @Shortytheclown

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YAY!!! :grinning: :sauropod: :sauropod: :sauropod:

Okay I’ll get started