Jump types help plz

Yes, now I understand that and deleted that post.

yeah i’m flagging this post

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okay I finished flagging this

I also did that too.

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Let’s get back on topic.

You could make jumps with a player speed modifier and zone so you could connect them. Then, you could make the player go temporarily fast and make super long jumps!

Slope jumps.
Slope jump with a laser.
reverse headhitter.


What’s a reverse headhitter?

I don’t think that’s possible. I tried it yesterday, and no cookie. :cookie:

I already added this; good idea.

Yeah, what?

If anyone else gives me any ideas, please include an example image. :grin:

Ladder jump ofc

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Yeah, I already have that. Any other ideas? :smile_cat:

A headhitter but you fall from the upper one, a reverse headhitter.

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I’m still confused. Could you show me a screenshot or diagram or something?


a headhitter but reverse.


Maybe add a section where you have to just…walk off. Adds a little bit of stress.
To troll them, simply add a spike somewhere they have to memorise to not fall on >:)


yeah that’s a dropper.

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Yeah, maybe I should add a dropper level. :grin: :cookie:

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I recommend you don’t. Dropper levels are in my experience very annoying because it’s hard to impossible to tell what’s coming in time to react.

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