Juggernaut Game

aight, basically, i need some help with a system that makes 1 person a juggernaut every round, and have it switch from round to round with a “queue” system

Since I cannot think straight as of this moment but know it takes uneven teams and team switcher

got any other things you want to add while including this mechanic?

a lobby team for when a person gets ko’ed and for during intermissions

what happens during the intermissions?

they can change what they use during rounds, what character for when they are when the “juggernaut” etc etc

e so i have a system to let people choose the chars and i have the “intermission” but i still need the main system for the game assigning who is juggernaut

make this

get a lifecycle and set it to game start
and then get a relay set to random player
and then get a team switcher for that random player to be switched teams

I think you should know how to do the wiring
the order for it is

  1. lifecyle
  2. relay
    3.team switcher

@Coolerthancoolest your presence scared me because I had the solution and was trying to type then you came in XD then I tried typing as fast as I could

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Use a team switcher that switches one player to the “juggernaut” team.

wait relay can relay to a random player what???

not exactly for game start but this should work perfectly thx
ill mark if it works

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