Jeffo... why did you delete my post?!

@Jeffo You told me my Steve guide wasn’t made in gimkit creative, it was :l

please put my post back up I spent time on it…


I get the feeling that the response was more along the lines of ‘this isn’t about game mechanics, this is about making art’ - guides on how to draw things can be helpful, but they aren’t particularly innovative when it comes to making unique mechanics or types of gameplay. Another thing that might’ve led to the misunderstanding was the fact that several people asked which prop you used to make the art and never got a reply - they didn’t know how to make it themselves, so they didn’t know how exactly it related to making things in Gimkit Creative.

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i was offline for a day :l i didn’t have time to respond

and he says “guides are great for anything built with Gimkit creative” meaning yes it can also be used to make “art”

and he says that “i deleted your minecraft steve topic because yo weren’t building it with gimkit creative” yet i have proof that i did

It can, but it doesn’t as related to the program as actual game mechanics. There’s nothing saying that you can’t make art, but if that’s the only thing your posts are about, you might want to consider making something else as well. The point is that it was a misunderstanding, and it was a misunderstanding because it was hard to tell if the thing you were making was actually something in Gimkit Creative. Hopefully this topic will clear up the confusion and the original post can be restored :]

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I put the title as “How to make Steve from Minecraft in Gimkit creative
but yea ill be very specific in my next guide, thank you.


What did you use for the steve anyway?


Thank you

Check it out…

hello , your post got taken down for that??? you joking???

Ah! Got it! I thought you painted on top of Creative. Using Barriers is great. I’m sorry I removed your first post. I’ll see if I can bring it back and close this one out.

Sorry, thinking about it more, I like Steve and the idea behind using making creative things like Steve in Creative. But I do think guides should be for game mechanics and things that people need help building in Creative. Steve is cool, but it’s not going to help someone struggling to build part of their escape room.

Thanks for your patience with me/us. The forum is new for us, so we’re still figuring some things out.

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I brought the Steve Topic back and closed it. It’s there for people to access in case they want to use Barrier Devices to build things.

Items like this shouldn’t be guides in the future unless you clearly provide what you used to make them (I added a mod note at the bottom of your post) AND you provide a viable use for the guide.

For example, since you used Barrier Devices, you could share the idea of using other devices to make Steve, or any other drawing, appear based on in-game actions. You could build a map where players answer questions to “Draw” something like Steve, for example. THAT would be a useful guide for the community. :+1:

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