It wont let me edit devices

i was making a map and it keeps just putting a box around it

Just to be sure, you are the one hosting?

Maybe x out and try again?

If that doesn’t work, restart your device.

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i am the one hosting but i’ll try that next time

When this happens, you can fix it by pressing alt.


That happens to me when I switch tabs or switch desks. I just have to delete the tap and re-open it, that should fix it.

Are you on mobile?

Yep, sounds about right. I thought this was a bug since the release of creative, but apparently it’s a feature. See, pressing alt means you cant select things, so pressing alt tab freezes the game while you’re in the state where alt was pressed, so it assumes alt is still pressed.
No need to close the tab, just alt it out.


You mean when you try to press on something to edit it, and it thinks you were selecting mutliple things? If so, then just reopen the map, I had the same thing.

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@Shdwy Ah. I’ve experienced this many, many times and before (I alt+tab a lot and use like 5 windows at once) I have just closed the tab. This is a life-saver for me lol.


You can’t go to another tab or desk. a way to stop this is open the device menu and then switch tabs.

depends on your device ngl

Don’t forget to mark a solution, @secretseek !

Yes, that is very true but it usually works pretty well.

Play your game and then try again. I had this bug happen before too, playing the game solves it. (Kinda)

Wow, I didn’t know that. That saves me so much time because it got really annoying.


Yes, as @Shdwy said, it thinks you are pressing alt, but you’re actually not, so just press alt once and then it should work.


If it works then please mark a solution!


how do you mark solution?

no a 3-4 year old chromebook

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Click the little check mark box on the bottom of whoever solved it’s post