can you make a game mode where it is like snow brawl but 2x speed
im confused what do you mean by that
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i think it possible to make snow brawl
I just want there to be a game mode where you get 2x speed and info ammo really.
if it’s like 2x movement speed totally possible
2x animation speed reload included no
Welcome to The Chaos
put a movment device and put the movement speed to: 2X
uh one sec went to the GIMKIT website
yup yes you can!
it is possible to set gim speed to 2x
it is possible to have inf ammo.
and it is possible to instant reload.
it is also possible to make the entire snow brawl map.
I can’t go into exact details on how to do it because that would take me a long time and uh I can’t make it for you ;-;.
Hey there,
I think what you’re trying to do here is suggest a new feature for the Gimkit Official Gamemode, Snowbrawl. Product suggestions aren’t allowed on this forum, but if you’re interested in sharing this one you can go to and make a free account and post.
It is possible to achieve what you’ve asked here in creative and some other folks have already helped you with that, it seems.