IT game (pennywise) [SOLVED]

I know that but I mean for his other forms like the giant spider, zombie,etc

I recommend using Sentries instead of Characters because of the size modification option (at least for the spider). Also, they can attack.
Here are your gims:
Spider: Spyde
in the Sentry settings for the spider, set Size to 2 to make him giant.
Zombie: Frankengim (closest I could think of)

what gim for gorgie?

Who is Gorgie?

Maybe this time describe it instead of sending a photo.

the kid from the begging of the movie who “disappears”

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If they’re just a kid, then any Gim would work really.

he wear a raincoat and I want the gim to look like him in some way.he’s the kid with the raincoat at the beginning of the movie that disappears

Never seen the movie.

Yellow Split? Would that work?

yeah that would, thanks

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