I’m having trouble publishing my new map, “Parkour World.” It’s not showing up on the New Releases page, and it’s having trouble uploading my thumbnail. Please help?
Maps automatically are hidden for a couple of hours as a security feature and the upload bug is basically meaningless and does nothing, it should upload anyways if it’s a JPG.
In a few hours your map will appear as long as it does not contain automatically flagged inappropriate content.
Try converting your thumbnail to a JPG and make sure it’s a pretty small size.
Well, dangit…
Oh. Mine is a JPEG, tat probably explains it.
maps don;t publish until a couple of hours or something. this is intentional to prevent freebuilds and live games from being played (thank you team gimkit!!!). also, i don’t think you actually need to have an image as a jpeg but i might be mistaken
I believe you might be. The thumbnail has to be a fairly small size anyways. Regardless, this is sort of a duplicate topic and I don’t think it’s a bug.
Same thing I think. Wait no I was wrong. They’re different lol.
indeed, but gimkit makes you resize the image anyways
Kk. I thought it WAS a bug, but now it makes sense. Sorry for disturbing you guys.
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