So, recently I’ve been really into this game called “Sonic Robo Blast 2” (not a Gimkit game) and I was wondering how I could recreate the thok ability sonic has in it. how the ability works is when the player presses the jump button while jumping he gets thrusted in the direction they were facing to gain speed.
I think this circles back to double jump detection . . .
and the celeste dash problem, I believe meepy tried to do something similar.
A way to create this is, you can make a height meter checker. Then you place a trigger that activates when the value of the height meter is increasing. Then when the trigger activates it triggers a channel that activates a speed modifier that lasts for a short amount of time. Thus, it creates an illusion of dashing.
Positive Speed Mods don’t work midair.
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Oh my bad, but I’m sure there is a way to implement a dash that activates via a jump.
We’re tryin’, current theory only works in certain spots that the developer can set I believe.