Is there any way to change the message of a crafting table?

I am using the crafting table as a vending machine and was wondering if you could change the “plant” message.

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I don’t believe you can change the plant message. It will have to stay as plant. Pretty sure it’s like that on default if you change it to farming plot and can’t be changed.

Welcome to the community though! Please read the FAQ and TOS by clicking more on the left, then FAQ. But I hope you have a great day!

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what… I literally do not see ¨plant¨ on a crafting table I used in Gimkit

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like in game when you’re using it

and also

must be farming plot


Use a custom message button, wired to the crafting table/farming plot.


Now that I think of it, I don’t remember being welcomed by anyone


did you make that pixel art yourself @CoolH1 ?
Its Awesome
and Welcome to the Forums


yeah, I used square emojis in a text box.

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well you joined
Screenshot 2024-10-09 4.21.04 PM

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At first, I thought that this would work, but you can’t attach wires to a farming plot.

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Okay… maybe they can add it soon in a later upd.
Slim, thanks for putting time into that… :face_holding_back_tears:
EDIT: BMW you joined after I did :skull: but who cares
Thanks for being the first to welcome


Why are y’all giving late welcomes that contribute nothing to the current topic and are even more detached than welcoming OP without answering their question?

So what if you didn’t get a welcome? Does that change your view of the Gimkit Forums at all?

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What do you need this for @CoolH1 exactly

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I am trying to make a vending machine using the farming plot


Can you Further Explain your idea to me?

I need a bit more info to understand what your saying due to my Autism and ADHD
and just plain, I really am not understanding what your wanting

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I am making a vending machine, and instead of using a button to attempt to purchase an item, I am using the vending machine menu to act so that if you click the item, it says it costs $40 to craft an item for example.

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sorry @Blackhole927 but you don’t always get welcomed HEY THANKS FOR LIKING ME! @twofoursixeight

I ran out of likes for the day

wt do you mean by that?@twofoursixeight

ok saw it