I’m making this map and I am wondering how you could like for example: _____reached Stage 2! on the side of your screen using a game overlay like Don’t Look Down when ever you trigger something… can’t seem to figure it out.
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is there a possible way? or is it just not possible?
Prob with blocks, I’m not the best at it tho
You Use UI With Blocks
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hmmm would you mind tell me how?
There was a guide about it, lemme find it
The Guide Was Removed.
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ohh that’s sad could’ve used it
Make Sure To Mark A Solution!
Thank You Very Much!
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credit to haisai
Btw I found this by haisai
Lifecycle) Event Occurs > (Notification) Run Wire Pulse Block
Send Notification | Title | Triggering Player’s Name
Content | has dled!
There has to be a space before “has dled” or it will look like “____hasdled!”
Thank you for helping me
You can mark Kirbykings btw, he said it first lol.
I know that he did
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