Is It possible to make it so if you are in the zone, and a sentry is knocked out, every person in a zone gets an item?

Basically what the title says.

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maybe. give me one sec

yes that is easy

how do you do that???

let me get pics

item granter:



but isnt the zone active on game start?

opps let me change that rq

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dont worry i got ur back

That would be faulty because every time a player enters the zone it increases, so you don’t even have to knockout the sentry, you would just have 2 people enter the zone.

Your system would only work with one player.

wait give me one sec to take another sceenshot

Again that would only work for one player, because you just disabled the zone for everyone else, and the author of the post wants multiple people to receive an item, your system would only focus on one person.


oh ok srry. do @metal_sonic-1’s guide @pokegimkit

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This is one player limited as well.
Also, if the zone was active on game start, then it would just be immediately deactivated on game start and you would get your item without KO’ing the sentry

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yeah, the sentry will respawn after like 5 secs

did my guide work? :pray:

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umm… I want the sentry to be koed, and then everyone in the zone gets the item

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