Sort of, but that’s only in the game settings, not in any devices.
Umm relays are kind of like that? Not exactly tho
Okay, so if you create a bunch of relays and set them each to Single Player on Each Team, then have them transmit on their own channel, and have them trigger on a channel (when player enters zone), and set a team switcher to one team and have it recieve on the relay channel, a single player will be moved to their own team. Repeat the process a bunch of times, each time changing the channel pair, and you have one player from each team getting switched to their own team, making it a free for all again.
sorry this is really hard to understand without screenshots.
But the numbers change for each “set”.
Now, copy and paste these devices a bunch of times, but change the “Switch Team 1” to “Switch Team 2”, “3”, and so on, all recieving on “Enter Zone”.
what’s a set in this context?
One Relay and One Team Switcher.
Now I understand this. Thanks.
No problem! Do you have any more questions?
I was about to ask how to do it in reverse, but I just figured that out. I’ll mark a solution now.
Usually, we mark a solution under someone else’s post, if they were helpful, otherwise it looks like solution farming. But it’s fine.
(it doesn’t have to be mine)
Have a good night!
Sorry, marked the wrong post. Fixed it
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