Is it possible to have a zone that prevents you from damaging other players?

Sort of, but that’s only in the game settings, not in any devices.

This means everyone is on their own, aka different teams.

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Umm relays are kind of like that? Not exactly tho

Okay, so if you create a bunch of relays and set them each to Single Player on Each Team, then have them transmit on their own channel, and have them trigger on a channel (when player enters zone), and set a team switcher to one team and have it recieve on the relay channel, a single player will be moved to their own team. Repeat the process a bunch of times, each time changing the channel pair, and you have one player from each team getting switched to their own team, making it a free for all again.

sorry this is really hard to understand without screenshots.

But the numbers change for each “set”.
Now, copy and paste these devices a bunch of times, but change the “Switch Team 1” to “Switch Team 2”, “3”, and so on, all recieving on “Enter Zone”.

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what’s a set in this context?

One Relay and One Team Switcher.

Now I understand this. Thanks.

No problem! Do you have any more questions?

I was about to ask how to do it in reverse, but I just figured that out. I’ll mark a solution now.

Usually, we mark a solution under someone else’s post, if they were helpful, otherwise it looks like solution farming. But it’s fine.
(it doesn’t have to be mine)
Have a good night!

Sorry, marked the wrong post. Fixed it

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