Is it possible to do this in my red light green light game?

Is it possibly to make all players in a zone get eliminated when a counter reaches a certain amount?

Counter with a target value
Zone connected to a damager that activates on that target value.
Do you want pictures? Or more explanation?

Counter > Target value of X > on target value reached > transmit and activate zone
Zone > Player enters zone > Damager/Respawn device >

Now, you’re also going to want it to be able to reset, so when the zone activates, it should also deactivate itself and the counter should reset. Let me know if you need a hand with that.

Let me try this. Ill tell you if it works

No, I got it. I know how to do that

It didn’t work cuz the player was already in the zone when it activated

Make the zone activate a trigger when you enter and deactivate when you exit. Make sure the trigger activation scope in the trigger settings is player. When the counter reaches the target, make it broadcast to the trigger. Make the trigger broadcast to a respawn or team switcher to spectator.

Glowing Turtle’s solution will make it so that you will get eliminated once you step into the zone after the counter reaches the target, but it won’t eliminate people who were already inside the zone.


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