I’m currently making an obby (not like the similar ones from discovery who don’t even try their best) and it requires players to use their brain and build dynamic blocks in order to survive.
I wanna do these “Long-block-jumps”, and it’s like this.
However, I don’t know if it’s really possible yet.
If it is, all I got is a zone and that’s it, and I need some help with it.
Thank you!
You could get rid of all the player’s blocks (+ store the # of blocks in a property) when they enter the zone, and then give them back when they leave it :3
Just use a barrier. I think no collision barriers make it impossible to place blocks, right?
Probably not but oh well just a thought.
It’s impossible to place inside of barriers, yes.
But inside of no-collision barriers?
No collision barriers? Would that just be deactivated barriers?
With opacity 0.01! That’s so smart!!!
You can enlarge the barrier though, so when player entered the zone, they can still move properly but can’t place down any dynamic blocks.
Yeah, if the player is already inside the barrier when it activates they are allowed to freely move around in it.
False alarm.
When I was making the guide I was trying to make a no block placing zone too but I couldn’t make it so I ended up removing and giving back the block depending on if the player needed the block to get past the obstacle in my own game.
Okay, so this doesn’t work.
Well it could, if the player got teleported inside the area with no-block placing and it was entirely inside a barrier. The barrier would prevent blocks to be placed inside it, while still allowing movement.
Wait I think I got an idea.
So if you place a prop where every you want as your no block zone and disable the props collision you can still move in the prop but you can’t place anything in it. I just tested it , it works. You can make the prop bigger making it a bigger no block placing zone
Yeah, similar to what I said, my idea is to make the barrier really really big, and activate it once the player entered the zone, but using a teleporter seems to be a better idea.
I was trying to do this a little while ago. My area was only a two block wide hallway though. I realised if there was a collision prop on a tile, no matter the size, it would hinder you from placing blocks. That’s where this help topic came from. That’s the only way I can think of though :)
Oh and thanks for infecting me. Yay. Does anyone have a vaccine?
How do you have a cure!?!
Good idea!
Hands Jobozo the cure
That’s a secret yet to be told.
I’ve survived this long because of it.
I tried doing a barrier like y’all suggested me to, and it works that you can’t place blocks on barriers, but when you turn off barrier collision, you can place blocks.
I need another way for this.
@WSG sorry the cure failed multiple times to heal the fersionvirus
When you say you turn the collision off do you mean when the barrier deactivates? If you make the barrier activate whenever the player enters and deactivates when they leave it would work.
Noooo not the virus!
There’s a setting in the Barrier device when you go to “All Options” and scroll down, you would see “Disable Player Collision”. I disabled that, and players could still place blocks.