Impossible, Turned Possible


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Impossible has Iā€™m possible in it


wow, how did i bump into all those guides? oh well



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sure close enough


Wait there is a guide on gimland? How is that impossible turned impossible I have made like three maps with that mechanic before this guide even came out, like in my monopoly and other board games!


did you really create gimland mechanics over a year ago?

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They lost their original account.


Well basically same mechanics were used in several of my games in my maps I am creating such as monopoly. I was also going to create a candy land after finishing that after risk, but looks like I will not be able to fully create that as it has been already created.

I have to eat lunch so cannot further reply.

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Great evolutionary guide!

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What does that mean?

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It means that wolf_technology made a guide about gimkit creative technology getting better.


This isnā€™t really a guide since itā€™s more of a compilation of a bunch of guides other people made about complex mindblowing mechanics.
With all due respect to Wolf, the people who made the guides in this should be the ones recieving praise.

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Wait why isnā€™t the guide to making monopoly on this

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I feel like recently people have been trying to reach new heights in GKC, make more stuff possible. Still, this guide 101% percent deserves to be bumped! :100:


I think I have something: terrain that you can pass through in platformers. Originally, I thought this couldnā€™t be done, but somebody did it in a game called ā€œWendoverā€™s Official Parkourā€. Now I know in fact that it can be done, and if anyone would look into this, Iā€™d appreciate it.

EDIT: So I guess itā€™s impossible after all as a normal player, and not as a mod or hacker.

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Wendover is a gimkit modder, and he used code to place tiles you can pass through. Itā€™s not possible without mods.


At least not yet. The devs are planning on adding Floor tiles to Platformer modes eventually. :grin:

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wait how would you know that?
woah how is that dude replying if their banned?

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Josh has said that he wants to add floor tiles to platformer, but is concerned that players may find them confusing.