for a health upgrade in my game im trying to display the image of a med pack but its not working when i put in the image id on a vending machine
This reply is from one year ago, but it should work.
I might have worded the question poorly but i have my vending machine set to transmit so thats not an option i dont believe it am having troublw with setting the med pack as the image
if it’s on the transmit option, just put an item image over the vending machine with layers (might work I’m not sure). other than that I’m not sure if you can.
Thanks now the only issue im having is the image background on the vending machine is left blank so like a blank image png i cant really take a screenshot but can be seen on a vending machine seet to transmit with no icon image selected
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go to all options
scroll to icons
then add in items/Med Pack
in the text thingy
hopefully this helps!
Thanks for the help this worked. I figured out my issue I was doing icons/ item name not items/item name thanks for the help
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