As the title reads, I need help for a power station building for a mission in my game Seawood: Rebirth.
A simple explanation is that it is an open world zombie survival game where you scavenge for blasters, and supplies.
The mission
The quest in the game starts off where an agent is asking the player to get a power box from an abandoned power building to their station so they can have power.
Use red and white barriers alternating to have a large tower at the top of the power building. Place the box at the top, and have the player both fight past zombies and find a hidden button to lower a ladder to get to the top. For the main building, use dark grey barriers with multicolored red and green small barriers layered over the dark grey to imitate fuse boxes.
Maybe on the outside you can build a sort of layout with some metal pieces then when they go inside it can teleport them to the actual room? and use what King_Thunder_Alt1 said-
Yeah, as far as the exterior of the building goes, feel free to use vines and various stones to indicate the building haven fallen in to disrepair, with maybe some slightly refurbished parts where your agents had set up before being oofed by zombies.