Ideas needed for mall rooms in my game

so this is a horror game that’s why it’s called behind the >(seens)< where a creepy back figure follows you he’s like an red eyed creature so any ideas (I hope this isn’t to gory)

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for the skin best might be shadeborn with small red barrier

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don’t worry it’s not, also maybe it follows to different places like a house, an amusement park, a hospital (but not gory maybe some lore though), a lab, and finally the place you stop it, a arcade?

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shadeborn isn’t that bad of an idea,

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Can I fix the grammitcal error? or is it intentionally spelled that way?

[scenes] not [seens]

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why an arcade for the end of he could be from a horror game and you put him back

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no and seens is a part of the lore please don’t change the title it was apart of the the lore he sees you …

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yeah, that was the plan (not) and the can be called Boo I Seen You

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uh oh, welp (POOF)

wait any more ideas?

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(POOF) yes maybe players can be infected into the monsters minions

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Okay I got some lore:
so there was this old game that nobody wanted anymore and they where gonna get rid of it but randomly one night it turned on and …more being added


well,well, well I’ma add a little easter egg (if that’s okay with you @G-Code549) in my game

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i’m bumping cause now i need ideas for mall rooms

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Make a Gamestop mall room

i made an arcade why not a game stop

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