Ideas for spectrum swap (continued)

so im making a game called spectrum swap where there’s a shadow relm and a light realm and you press a button to travel between them and some platforms are only visible in one world so I need ideas of for lore, last time I had a main idea for the story line but now I need to brainstorm ideas for the things you see or the people you talk to along the way.


Are you asking for lore?

thats exactly what I’m asking for (don’t put some matpat thing)

We could add Duality (The gim) as some sort of boss. He can be the one who keeps peace between the 2 dimensions.

what do you mean by that?

like the idea, but why would he be a boss?

Does the player go on a quest?

kind of, basicly the main idea is you wake up in a (what used to be) town, its wrecked and black and white. your job is too restore color too the town, but right as you start you find a key that lets you jump through the shadow and light realm, you soon realive that there’s more to the story then first meets the eye and that the world will shatter if you don’t do something soon. the last thing you realize is the key might be the … well key to saving the world

you know this could be a good game…

Such an original idea! Duallity could be the one who guides you within the realm.

ohh and maybe when your stuck you can press a game overlay that shows dialogue that helps you with the level/gives you tips (and duality could be the one speaking). also it could be different text based on where the player is

Im not sure this is a good idea but what if the darkness overtakes Duality and turns him evil.

uhh… I dont know if I want to add a darkside but I like the type of idea maybe in the game your friend gets corrupted by the “dark side” (@twofoursixeight is that copyrighted, am I allowed to say it?)

Or what if the player is Duallity.

No, YHMTH’s title never changed, this is off-topic as well, I would suggest you to remove it from the post, thanks.

Edit: bruh you weren’t even here in october


You could have some NPC’s like vortex agents and echo agents that only spawn depending on which realm you’re in. And also maybe in the shadow realm you might have to fight shade born and in the light realm there could be something else you will need to fight.

I really like the idea by the way.

thanks, I got it from a “help” topic that was “how do I make something black and white and then color it” also I like the boss idea…

Fun Fact:

Reacting to a post that was correcting your off-topic behavior is off-topic.
@NotYoyo [1] was only trying to do the right thing

  1. I’m unnessarily pinging so I can become a good forumer :D ↩︎


bumpity bumpy bump, bumpity bumpy bump look at that gim goooooooooo. bumpity bump bump bumpity bump bump over the hills of gims(?)

bh changed the name of that like 4 months ago

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