I made a m-rder Mystery game based on the classic RPG game M@fia, but I realized that it was pretty bland when I published it…
So that’s where this Gimkit Community comes in!
I need ideas on what roles to add…
I already have the M@fia, the Detective, and the Officer [1], along with everyone else being a civilian.
I was thinking about a role where you can go into a safe zone for 10 seconds, but IDK what to call it…
Sorry for typing so long I just realized it’s only roles.
I usually play the variation where there’s a doctor, they choose somebody to “save”, and if the mafia also chooses that person, they still live.
I also play with a detective, who chooses who they think is the mafia. If they guess right, the person lives. If wrong, nothing happens.
JUST REALIZED that those are all in your topic, oopos.
Yeah, in my game, when it’s the detective’s turn, they tag the person they suspicion, and it sends a notification to everyone saying that the detective thinks they are suspicious…
Lemme make a GIF RQ…
Here’s a GIF, @here:
Yeah sorry I thought I was supposed to be telling you how to make it, didn’t read correctly, so then I got confused and forgot those were already mentioned. Sorry.
You could have a Jester role, similar to Among Us jesters, they win by getting voted out.
How they would make people think they are the mafia, I don’t know.
That would be a good idea, except that the detective is only guessing, because if it’s not the Detective’s turn they’re covered by a black barrier, making them unable to see who tags who…
I have it set to when it’s team 2’s (m@fia team) turn to tag, all other players are barriered [1], and same with team 3 and 4 (officer and detective).
I might consider this when I add more roles that make the game more interesting…
they can still walk around, but can’t see any of the action. ↩︎
I just have an inquiry, what is the m𝓪fia’s goal? To knock out everyone on the “good” team? Good ol’ flicker vibes lol.
The Medic:
Team: Good
Objective: Eliminate the m𝓪fia
Ability (Option 1): Guardian Angel: On even nights, protect 1 person from being knocked out, this happens every even night if not every night.
Ability (Option 2): Ode of Resurrection: One person can be brought back from the fallen if knocked out, this can only be done once
Choose one ability, we cannot have some overpowered roles-.
So would something like an innocent role be unnecessary?