Ideas for my game. (GEM BATTLEGROUNDS.)

Idk if this would work (the charging part) but
Charged gem
Starts with a weak common zapper and 0.6 speed but the more time you hold left click down your stats get better and every five seconds you get a better weapon.
(I don’t know how to make it count how long you click though)
Someone just needs to turn this JavaScript into blockcode

Altenative - you spam an overlay and increases like before (still kinda sucks though)

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He has that already. Its number 12.

OHHH oops…my bad…

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He also has a default gem.


Lucky gem
Every time you click it can give you a random weapon, damage/speed boost, shield/health boost, spawn sentries for the other team, cause slowness, teleports you into a box you can’t escape, makes other team get 2 shot quantum portals ,or makes your whole team get a random effect for 10 seconds.

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Another duplicate (1).

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Snowy Gem!
Weapon: Snowball launcher (Rare or epic you decide)
Speed: 0.5
Regen: x2 of normal
Ability: An overlay button that appears on the screen when you select the gem. Called “Yeti Strength” and gives you x2-x3 strength (Again, you decide) for 5 sec. You can add a cooldown, let me know if you need help with that! (you might nerf one of these stats if you want)

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Sweet idea! Maybe make it slower in yeti mode though - may make it to overpowered.


I know

Kamikaze Gem: Legendary Blaster with 10x damage, but 25 HP.

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The sneaky gem! You’ll be teleported to the closest hiding spot near you (probably with zone activation) and you can hide there for 10-15 seconds. Stats are a little different, a little faster but less health. Their weapon is a P. M. L.

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maybe a time gem gem that has reduced (not removed) regen and normal speed with a rare blaster and every 20 seconds you’re alive you get a bit faster and better regen than default at 1 min and a x2 damage boost at 2 mins

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@Water what do you think of this gem?
Time Stop Gem
Allows players to freeze everyone else by activating a movement meter for every one but the player who stopped time also taking everyone’s gadgets away so they can fire at anyone while time stop is active.
Weapon is common quantum portal
Speed is normal.

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Ink gem
Gives players with the ink gem an ability to activate a black barrier that’s over the entire map for 10 seconds but does not enable it for the player.
Weapon is wooden wand and speed is 1.25

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So, for the juggernaut gem, I can’t increase health! Just a message to everyone, I can’t decrease health because of my health regeneration system. And I physically CAN’T permanently increase a certain player’s health.

YO? Good idea! But I’m not quite sure on HOW I could code that in without disrupting the other gems’ flow of abilities. By the way, there are no teams, sorry!

Nice! Sorta similar to the booster gem, but it has a nice t@ng to it! I might add it, it’s a 70% probability.

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does all the powers run on a trigger? if so, find a way to stop the trigger (i am not good at this sort of stuff)

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you should add a place for 1v1s

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You should add a trick gem, where you think it’s another random gem, but it’s really something that decreases your damage, speed, and gives you a really bad weapon.

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