Ideas for my game forgotten dungeon?

I havent made a rpg game before, what should i add to it?
I dont need help on a thumbnail, i like making them

the player lost their memory (i feel like i say this everytime :P)


Definitely add dialogue, NPCs, quests, and maybe even a classes system since options are always fun. If it’s a dungeon, make sure there’s a big reward at the end for the player (piles of gold as far as the eye can see! Magical artifacts!)

@GlowingTurtle well npcs wouldnt make sense, because the dungeon is forgotten
@metal_sonic-1 good idea, i think it would be good for the player not knowing how they are there

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If the dungeon is abandoned maybe add something like papers or notes from people in the dungeon before, so the player has some “interaction” with others. Also, if you are going along with @metal_sonic-1’s idea, maybe divide the dungeon into sections and with each section completion the player could get a flashback of their memories.