Ideas for my BEDWARS game

im currently updating a popular bedwars game, i need help from YOU for ideas for my map!
what I already have:

  1. Bed destroyed notification
  2. obsidian bed defense (that can be purchased more then once)
  3. detection laser
  4. slowdown laser
  5. bed guards
  6. damage buffs
  7. the ability to upgrade generators
  8. a secret OP iron forge

that’s about all of the things I got, but please, if you have any more ideas, tell me them

Could you possibly make a healing aura upgrade so the team can heal while at their base

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that’s a good idea, I really like it.

Hmmmmm, is there only, an obsidian one, if so, maybe make more (wood, wool, ect…)

any other ideas, I’d like to hear them

oh, that’s just a base upgrade, you can build around with dynamic blocks if you wanted

you could make a shop with speed extra gadgets and stuff. also you can make secret routes that have overpowered gadgets and things

An expensive one way portal that teleports you to a random (or selected) base on the map.

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