I started a one way out platformer map called Isolated and I need ideas for lore, mechanics, art, etc. The different “levels” are represented by floors which can be unlocked and traveled through an elevator. In conclusion, I need ideas.
Do you have any lore to build off currently, or do I just start making stuff up?
No lore yet, but I’d like it to be similar to One Way Out but not too much.
Ok, simple, that already identifies a general antagonist with evil plant gims and a setting/theme of space.
You wake as your cryo chamber opens, yet you are confused to see nobody has opened the pod for you. Upon further investigation, you discover the pod only opened due to a malfunction. As the cryo chambers are adjacent to the bridge, you decide to leave your room and investigate, though you decide to grab you zapper as you are slightly scared. Upon arriving in the bridge you find error screens everywhere and an audio recording on the main console. While you listen, you hear screams in the background as the captain says the shi phas been overrun by some form of… creature, and that all remaining crew should head for the escape pods. The recording was made 23 hours ago, and the ship was placed on a self destruct sequence for… OH NO! 24 hours! You hurriedly rush to the elevator, only to encounter…is that a plant?! (I will finish lore later)
Hello this is your friendly fishtopia God here and I may be able to help.
do a backrooms type thing for the floors
Level one: The lab
Level two: The experiment
Level three: the chase
and so forth
Lore: We could have a story for say Long ago there was Gimbob or Bob for short. Bob was a scientist that conducted projects on summoning demons you have been brought here sometime in the past before the test Find evidence and clues to be able to stop Bob before it happens.
I hope this can help with some things
don’t forget to credit ideas
You to credit for this one Its Me : Cvefy
You realize he said the theme was One Way Out right?
One way out and it could be like backrooms with like a scientist
Here is what I had before @King_Thunder_Alt1 provided lore. How should I implement the lore into the game?
ohh I like the style kinda like Bob-the-rob.ber
Kind of, but not really.
For mechanics. Maybe add a thing so that after a certain amount of time. A sentry spawns and tries to defeat you. You must run away from all sentries by going to the basement.
Have you ever played Alien Isolation? Well, I have, you should add a certain enemy that can only be effected by a certain gadget, but cannot be KO’d just stunned temporarily.