(1) We don’t know the rarity of the gim they play as…
(2) I’m not looking for ideas on how to do stats, I want ideas for stats for different creatures you make up.
Name: Queen’s Knight
HP: 32
AC: 12
Languages: Common
Broadsword; 1d6 slashing damage
Shield Bash; 2d4 bludgeoning damage
Sorry if you can’t do the dice or languages but I’m doing actual like dnd stats (I dm almost every week and this is a simplified version of a NPC I made)
Un-dead (Zombie)
Hp: 25 (+5 for every zombie around it)
Attacks: Shambling strike (5 damage), Gnaw (10 damage plus poison dealing 5 damage per round for 8 rounds)
Ability: None
I forgot to mention that this is a pack animal and there is always at least two of them.
Transform that into dice stats or smth. (I play DND with my lucky dice and roll some pretty high numbers on the regular)
Sword Slash - 1d4 Slashing Damage
Block - Raise AC by 5 for this turn only
Multiattack - Use either Sword Slash twice, or Sword Slash and then Block
Count Cumulus
Has the Noble Background
Is the Fighter class with the Battle Master subclass
Wields a Great Axe with 1d12 slashing damage
Speaks both Common and Draconic.
Slash-1d12 slashing damage
Insult-1d8 + or - Charisma modifier
Sidestep - Cheat fate by dodging an attack that would k1ll you (1 use)