if you give everyone a set number of item at the start of the game (example 3 fish) you can take one away every time they use the ability so when they are out of charges they cannot use their ability
Maybe you could make a power up that makes an overlay show up.
Late but:
1.Deadly growth- summon plants tthat amage you and trap you
2.Laser grid- a laser grid
3.Flaming Sparks - summon fire around them
4.Blinding block- Put a black barrier on the whole map for everyone exept you
Is that a good idea?
It cant affect other players.
Camper (Research Item)
x3 DMG, but have x0.2 speed. Cannot use near spawn locations.
“1. e4 e5 2. ke2” ahh consumable
Makes you immobile. Good for disrespecting that one friend who thinks he’s good at the game but isn’t.
I don’t think you can set speed any lower than 0.5x…
unless I’m mistaken
You are correct.
This is a cool idea!
0.10 speed (yes, I checked and you can get to 0.01 speed as well)
0.25x dmg boost forever (yes I checked)
Maybe you could make fake powerups that hinder the player instead of helping them.
@Fulcrum-19 do you still more answers? If not your should mark a solution.
Not really, but if you do have any more, I can take a look at them.