wait did you happen to learn that from a tag game
I played a tag game before with that exact function
wait did you happen to learn that from a tag game
I played a tag game before with that exact function
Overdrive: 2x speed and damage for 10 seconds then 0.5x damage and speed for another 10 seconds
Chorus fruit type powerup
tps you to a random location on the map
Hey that was my idea
sorry didnt read it all.
Fish makes you slow.
But it tastes darn good.
All right let’s break it down:
Okay some consumables could be…
Double speed, double heath, extra damage, better gadget, a shield potion, med kit, invincibility, better gadget rarity, build a wall in front of an opponent, have a poison cloud hit an enemy, make an explosi0n in the center of the map, clone army ( have sentries all around the map), knockout enabled for a little bit, teleport to the closest player, teleport everyone to a new map, teleport you and another person to another location doing a 1v1 (whoever wins returns back to the OG area)
Hope this helps!
it should be you take less damage. invincible is op
this might be the greatest suggestion of all time
Maybe we should have done a healing consumable of Blackjack, the minty chocolate ice cream will heal you 25 shield and health
A SMEED boost, that increases your attack damage by 1.5x and increases ur speed by 2x for 3 seconds.
For 1 second. How about that?
Try having an on screen button and make it go through a vending machine so it dissapears when you press it and have the vending machine give extra health more damage more speed or you can even make and energy device so when you move it drains your energy and if you eat its restored.
Good luck
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Maybe a banana! I love Splitsy too much
Welcome to the forums. This is either the best or the worst decision of your life lol.
Consumable fish
Give’s a random support effect
Or maybe consumable banana :3
Every player you touch gets teleported to a random location
Oo! Or maybe a consumable zapper
Removes all players gadgets and gives them a lower grade gadget at random (bit more complicated but eh :3)
Or pseudo item consumable that lets you disguise as the other team and switches you back to your og team once you attack (did it for my fgg game so it’s possible)
item: lottery ticket
when consumed: spin 4 wheels for additional or less health regen/shield, more or less damage multiplier, more or less speed, and finally, how long the effect lasts.
item: green key
when placed down at a certain location:
creates a circle with radius 10 meters (dk how big 100pi meters^2 of area is but I hop it isn’t that large) where teammates inside get extra health regen and damage. there are 5 different locations around the map and you can also use it yourself for a permanent damage buff but speed decrease
That’s what I said! BANANA!!!
when consumed, brighten the screen making it harder to see.