Some people know about the game I’ve been working on for about the last 4 months Doug Boss Fight SIMULATOR (DBFS) It is a boss rush game I still have 8 more bosses to add including a community ideas for a boss But my problem is me and my friend @Imagimkitfan have been stumped on attack ideas for one of our bosses Magma Doug. Please give your ideas for a new attack pattern it is very appreciated Theme of attacks : lava/lasers fire stuff like that
Lava patches, randomized.
Rings of fire, like in the popcorn google doodle.
Laser grids.
maybe add some lava minions
how would I do flame throwers and rings of fire?
Oh, flamethrowers: Basically a red barrier with a zone in it so that when you enter the zone, you respawn,
Rings of fire: Randomly activated “rings” with a trigger loop. Those do damage.
ok also do you know how I would make the lava patches randomized I am very bad with RNG in gimkit
A boss where it a rhythm game but you have to dodge the notes
Trigger loops with blocks. Just where you have to kinda use a random integer.
It is not really music themed
No one had done that yet i think
ok I will try that I will be back a bit later I have some school work to do
Just wondering if there is, is there a way you can add acid looking tiles?
maybe as a phase 2 attack or something of every 3 lava floor attacks a acid floor attack?
What we need is possibly a way it could look like acid?
I don’t know yet I have to experiment
In the Google doodle they spin in a circle idk really know how make device or objects move o__o (I am not the best with the gimkit editor but I know the basics )
basically I just don’t know how to use triggers and property’s
Water with green barriers over it with low alpha.