I am wanting to make a Teacher paced game for all those teachers whose kids love Gimkit but the person/people who know the system the best always wins and the teachers don’t always want that. Any ideas?
So your asking for a scoring system?
No, ideas for a Teacher Paced game where the host moves to next part
an idea for a game? umm… how about a tag thing but it is like Mario kart, where people in the back get more powerful things?
Everyone should have equal power, and it is smth like it waits for everyone and the scoring doesn’t depend on how good you do
you want a system on maybe effort put into game?
and maybe the end screen should have
sections like Most Cautious, Most Moving, Comeback maker*, etc
so technically everyone wins?
*went from bottom to top near the end
not exactly. lets say you are playing bingo. no one is the best or worst
so a luck game?
kind of, but basically luck + a little bit of skill
but it has to be hard to master the game
yet still easy for ppl bad at gk to win
edit: and educational
umm… okay, wont making a team based game help with this? half of the players are guaranteed to win.
why not make bingo but the squares are based off educational things
like maybe the giraffe one will make a random question pop up from teachers kit
you could do an escape room with a button for the host to press to take everyone to the next room and a notification for when the players compleated the room
So you want a fair and educational game that students will like and play.
Like I said maybe a Educational bingo?
This is a very good idea, we could make it educational and students would like to play this.
you have to realize how kids truly are, do you think most kids are gonna play a game thats just Educational? probably not. we got to make it to their favs too not just the educational part
Yea. I was making a bingo, but I changed my mind about might make it again
I like this idea, gonna hopefully try it
Going to probably do the Escape room.