Ideas for a platformer map

ideas for a platformer map (yes, I looked for a idea)

Is there anything specific you are looking for?
Welcome to the forums btw!

  • super smash gims
  • a game of my choice(if so type it please)
  • a Roblox game(if so please type it)
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How about a DLD (don’t look down) but Christmas edition @Friendly_gim2314.

I don’t know…I don’t like copying

What do you mean? It’s not really copying because your making your own version.

yeah, your right on that

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Here’s a helpful guide that could give you ideas:

I already looked through there…

Try brainstorming, or looking at games in Discovery, it might give you some ideas. If not, then try making your own game, unique and new.

Ok I can try!
Thank you!

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