Add a void out of bounds that is filled with fake lore books that rickrolls you
I will definitely add that lol -(disappears )…
Im doing the opposites of the main 12 original Smash characters if that’s ok
Sure that’s oka–(disappears )…
Add invisible barrier jumps or impossible jumps but add invisible barriers In The middle hope that’s a good idea.
uses a gadget to make you appear again
Should I mark something as solution now?
Sure go ahead I mean if you have enough ideas
I mean do you want to mark a soulution
B0mber - Throws B0mbs
Ability:B0mb Jump
Ability Cooldown:100
What The Ability Does:you jump very high but gets damaged in the process
You Should Add Items
Ok I’m gonna wait for a while, then I’ll mark something.
Maybe a Shop? That sells ammo for gadgets and you can get cash for knocking the others player off the map?
Go crazy!
How about a character that Can teleport to a random location? It might not seem like much, but it could be useful for getting out of tight situations, or attacking from behind
You could do it by adding an overlay saying “Teleport”, You wire that overlay to 2-5 random teleporters and every time someone presses the button, they get teleported to a random spot on the map
You could name them…
- Warp
- Jump
- Phantom
- Slipstream
- Glimpse
I liked that. Good Thinking!!!