I want to make something difficult

gimme something you think is impossible and ill try to make it possible (NOT things like “make amongus (the amount of guides on this is insane just look one of them up if you wanna know)” “make something that is impractical due to insane memory usage required (not doing this for a passion project)”) (flag me if you find a reason bc I kind of deserve it with my last post)(forgot to put the not :sweat_smile:)

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Have a Among Us but with roles, and the imposter has to guess everybody’s role to win. But, everyone’s role has a special power.

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Here’s a guide for Among Us if you’re making a game on it:


already exists (I think) and I don’t wanna do something that someone has already done

Ah, I understand. I think you should make Ticket to Ride. It is a board game where you draw train cards, and then when you have enough matching cards you can place trains and try to complete certain paths.


nice idea I’ve played that before and it is fun ill try to make a prototype with the base features to test the core mechanics before moving onto the actual game




Make life….


Risk? You could shrink the board down to make a prototype!

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For risk, you could have like a board game board and then when you click a button next to the board game board it teleports you to the real game, and you can leave anytime you want by going back to the board game prop.

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