I want to make a dodgeball map and i need help

What’s your first priority?
For bedwars, look in the bedwars tag and for fnaf, look in the fnaf tag.


I tried doing Making a FNAF map but i didint understand

and that my first priority

Did you look at this guide?


Yes i did but i didint undertand it

What part did you not understand?

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evreything it just confusing

What part do you need help with?
I’ll try to go more in-detail with it.


The camras and the door and the light

What where your device settings and wires?
I don’t think it was that confusing, I think I explained things pretty well.

How do you do wire repetar part

You wire the wire repeater to itself once pressed.

Here, this might help.

The Wire Repeater is a device mainly used to technically wire a device back to itself.
Since you can’t wire your button back to itself to deactivate it once it’s pressed, you use a wire repeater to send a signal when the button is pressed to, well… repeat the wire pulse.
Here’s an example:

Button Pressed > Repeat Wire Pulse

Wire Pulse Repeated > Deactivate Button

The Wire Repeater receives a signal to repeat the Wire Pulse, and so it does.
It receives a signal to deactivate the button once it is pressed.
They’re sort of mini-triggers that take up less memory but can’t do anything a trigger can.

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Can i give you the code to my map and help

Codes are not allowed here, sorry about that.

You can post them in the wixsite though.

ok so if i post it there you can help

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I send the code via mail

Please do not post game codes as they can get you flagged and/or banned.

You could make a jail and when someone on team 2 gets knocked out than team 1 gets someone back from the jail.

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