I needed help with a Radiation system

Make it so you have 100 green seeds.

if your in the zone, it activates a trigger that goes to a repeater that will take away a green seed every second. Make it deactivate when they leave.

change the amount of seeds to your liking, and that’s how many seconds they have to finish their task in radiation.

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I think that how it works idk thought, I testing things out right now, the community is pretty helpful with this stuff thought, very helpful!

if you’re still looking for a radiation system, you could ditch the pesdo-health thing and use a zone and damager device.

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Yea, that probably the way I going to do it

Please don’t necropost.

actually nevermind if this isn’t solved

he is necroposting on his own topic that isnt solved yet, or so he states.

There is damagers now, but you could do green seeds or with blocks it’s like item profile thingy (I forget what it’s called) → green seed and blocks set property “amount of seed” to the amount of item (the green seeds) and then damager block code “do “amount of seed” damage to Triggering player” then have zone that flashes on and off and when player enter zone give green seed this will multiply with the amount of seeds.

Have to go so cannot respond.

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