I need to make people drop items they have on them when they are knocked out

So i am working on a game where you explore a maze and collect loot and i need people to drop their items when knocked out. Is there a way to so you drop certain items on the ground whenever that happens. Sadly in map setting drop items when knocked out is not an option and i need it to be only items that they had on them, does anyone have any solution to this?

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oh nvm I thought you were saying nvm

This disscussion may have the answer, @GiveMeSpace1

yea i was talking about players

hmmm, it should be an option in the “Player,” category in the settings.

the only options are keep items and delete items there is no option for dropping

I’m pretty sure that option only allows the team to see what their teammates drop by choice. Maybe this guide will help?

Sadly this doesn’t work since it doesn’t matter if they have the item or not it always drops, i’m trying to make the item drop if they have it on them.

I dont think that is possible yet to always drop the exact item that they are using at that moment, sorry

you can do it with a sentry though!

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Alright thanks for giving some ideas though, i really hope it is added as a setting sometime in the future.

I thunk player knocked out —> trigger with a 2 sec delay so it will work—> grant item to player(whatever item you want).

make sure to mark a solution to close the topic @GiveMeSpace1

also, @Mythemi , he wants the player to drop whatever its holding at that moment

Oh ok I think you would need to use properties for each item you had and use a knockout manager for the items to drop.

Welcome to the community @GiveMeSpace1 ! Anyways, if you want players to just drop a set item, then the previous suggested solution works. However, if you want the player to drop their entire, variable inventory, you would need to find a way to constantly detect every obtainable item in your game for every player, then you would need to drop the items from a player when they get kiIIed.

The easiest route I see is using an Inventory Item Manager to detect the amount of items a player has. Using that IMM, update properties corresponding to each item through block code and property devices. From there, use a system that deactivates and activates Knockout Managers that have the correct number of items the player has varying on the values of the properties.

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@GiveMeSpace1 Welcome to the Forums! Please make sure to read and follow the community guidelines. Hope your question gets solved!

Is it like a specific item or any item they have?

Welcome to the forums @GiveMeSpace1!

Specific item so i can make certain items which i will use as treasure drop when knocked out while every other item stays.
Also isn’t there block code in the game? if so does anyone know if i could make this work with that?

As I’ve previously mentioned, you can use the block code of an Inventory Item Manager to update a number property to determine the amount of a certain item a player has. Using these properties, you can activate and deactivate a set of K.O. Managers that corresponds to the amount of items a player has.


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