I like maple, chompz gim, and ozi
Echo agent and Vortex agent
Like the ghost agent and shadow agent
dodge is pretty popular, i’ve seen it a lot.
ive seen a lot of sunset diamond
what about just the normal default skin thats a very ¨popular one¨ if you know What I mean
the only reason people use the basic gim is because they either dont have an account or they have no gimbucks
hence very popular, i like your intuitive thinking @Gimkitsuggestor
Wait lets do a pole!
Okay here we go:
- Day one
- Echo agent
- Vortex agent
- Stache
- Dodge
- Cornelius
- Pumpgim
- Libre
- Chompz Costume
- Pencil pack
- Tropicool
- Polaris
- Rocky West
- Niblet
- Sunny
- Splitzy
- Maple
- Axle (the axoltle)
- Gimbit
- Dorado
Sorry There is a limit of 20 pole options
you put rocky west but NO SOLARIA?
this is going to be a interesting poll
sorry, Rocky West is an original, trust me the solar eclipse was amazing!
where is glass half full?!?!?!?!
Orbit and King Gimrick are GONE!
Just do rounds of elimination. Brackets are Better.
I have a personal question, who is better
- Echo agent
- Vortex agent
should I make a new topic on peoples favorite gim
yes indeed
you remind me of my brother: @Metal_Sonic-1
would that be off topic