I need more help with my game

I changed the gif, it is better now
Ok, so how to do that

  1. Stack gate consoles
  2. Use a zone to deactivate the lzer
  3. Zone → orange gate console ( when eneter, hide prop)
  4. Zone —> wire repeater → orange gate console (when exit, show prop
  5. Zone → Wire repeater —> laser (when exit, activate)
    ( icant post 3 time consecutivly, so i put this into this post)
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alright I did the outside
inside needs to be made and signs for the office

alright whatever I’ll just add some suggestions and just do the rest
only 4/74 here tried to help and only 3/74 actually helped what are these stats

who deserves the solution
0 voters

you could put us all in a comment thanking us and mark a solution

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Please take this down. Tbh, links should not be shared! I can see who has edited and stuff.

I thought about that @StacheIsTaken made a big deal of it last time I did that

alright whatever thanks to @Lostsea3, @Epi320, and @Txme_Lxss for helping unlike the 96 people who viewed this topic


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